The UV300 is a cost effective water analyser for applications focused on one or two parameters.
Mainly based on UV spectroscopy, well known for its stability and low operating cost, the UV300 can measure parameters like organic matter, nitrate, colour, aromatics hydrocarbons (PAH). A complementary module allows the measurement of PO4, Cl2, NO2, Fe, Al by colorimetric method and turbidity by laser diode. External probes can be added for physicochemical parameters like pH, ORP, dissolved oxygen and conductivity. Thanks to its automatic cleaning system and its extremely long life time lamp, the maintenance is roughly limited to the periodic refill of the inexpensive cleaning solution. A new web-based interface allows the control and the troubleshooting from internet on laptop, tablet or i-phone.
UV 300 ลักษณะการใช้งาน (สามารถวัดค่า)
River, Lake (แม่น้ำ หรือ คลอง):
UV254 COD ,PAH ,NO3 ,Colour ,Chl.A ,PO4 ,Cr-VI ,Turb. ,pH ,DO ,Cond ,Temp.
Drinking water (น้ำดื่ม):
UV254 COD ,NO2 ,Cl2 ,Al ,Fe ,Cr-VI ,Turb. ,pH ,Cond ,Temp.
Municipal waster water (น้ำเสียเทศบาล):
UV254 COD, NO3, PO4, NO2, Turb. ,pH ,ORP ,DO ,Cond ,Temp.
Industrial wastewater (น้ำเสียจากโรงงานอุตสาหกรรม)
Food and drinks (อาหารและเครื่องดื่ม):
UV254 COD ,Colour ,PO4 ,SiO2 , Turb. , pH, ORP, DO, Cond, Temp.
Paper / wood (กระดาษ / ไม้):
UV254 COD ,Colour ,PO4 , Turb. , pH , ORP ,DO , Cond ,Temp.
Chemical (สารเคมี):
UV254 COD ,PAH ,Colour ,PO4 ,SiO2 , Cr-VIv ,Turb. , pH , ORP ,DO , Cond ,Temp.
Petrochemical (ปิโตรเคมี):
UV254 COD ,PAH ,Colour ,PO4 , Turb. , pH , ORP ,DO , Cond ,Temp.
Power plants (โรงไฟฟ้า):
UV254 COD ,PAH ,PO4 , Turb. , pH , ORP ,DO , Cond ,Temp.
Metals (โลหะ):
UV254 COD ,Colour ,PO4 ,Cr-Vl , Turb. , pH , ORP ,DO , Cond ,Temp.
Brochures/ Data Sheet: EN